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March Introduction To SE

  • St Andrews Church Centre Mount Park Road London W5 2RS (map)

Giselle Genillard, the director of SOSI, will lead this introduction to Somatic Experiencing (SE). Over the two days you will learn the fundamental principles of SE and acquire some tools that you can apply in your personal and professional lives. 

The Introduction to Somatic Experiencing(SE) workshop is a pre requisite to anyone who wishes to attend the our 3 year professional training or just for your own personal interest. The Intro is also way of starting everyone off with the same orientation and understanding of the training itself and a place for you to ask more in depth questions.

Giselle is also a Licensed Midwife, a member of the European Association of Body Psychotherapy (EABP), a Somatic Experiencing (SE)® Practitioner, a member of the International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI), a Touch-in-Parenting Instructor and founding Secretary of the Board of EASE, the European Association for Somatic Experiencing.

Giselle combines her training as a somatic therapist with the art of midwifery, the core principles of SE, and her widespread cross-cultural experiences. She works internationally, is multilingual, and was a member of trauma outreach teams in South-East India post-tsunami, New Orleans post-Katrina and post-colonial South Africa post-independence.

Giselle brought Peter Levine’s (“Waking the Tiger”) SE trainings to England and France where she teaches workshops related to traumatic stress. Giselle specializes in working with PTSD in early childhood disorders, adolescents, combat and high-stress situations, and international disasters.

In the early 80’s, Giselle became deeply involved with the politics of childbirth and the work of Michel Odent, who became her midwife and mentor. Giselle sought to extend her intimate knowledge of physical healing to a comprehensive and holistic approach to psychological healing. Giselle’s life path has given her direct experience of the physical, emotional, social and political devastations of trauma, and an affirmed commitment to prevent its further proliferation. Her work is focused on bringing forth the transformation that can emerge when trauma is resolved, and the myriad associated benefits to self, society, and the world at large.

Workshop Pricing

26 November

Edinburgh SE Training – Advanced 1 with Lael Keen

10 September

Maggie Kline – Trauma Through a Childs Eyes